Pulp Fiction Card Game
This is a play off of the popular card game, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, but instead it’s Pulp Fiction themed deck. Take turns saying Wolf, Pumpkin, Boxer, Hitman Gimp as you take turns flipping cards over. If the card matches the spoken word players race to slap the card on the table. The slowest player collects the stack of cards.
Fake Reporter: Is that the whole game, saying those five words and collecting cards?
Me: No, there’s actually three Prompt Cards hidden within the stack where you must quickly act out a Pulp Fiction themed action before your competitor . There’s Milkshake card (first to act like they’re drinking a milkshake wins), Dance Card (first to dance), and a Watch Card (tap your wrist like you’re wearing a gold watch). It’s an adult spin on a popular kid’s card game.